Life after death: Embracing our Immortality

Life after Death

Life is a journey of wonders, with a new mystery at every turn. There's so much for us all still to learn, yet to discover and uncover about the many mysteries in life. But — the greatest mystery in life may not be about life; it is about what happens to us after life. It might surprise you that some very sound and viable answers to these questions are true in some of our contemporary scientific fields. —Answers that could open an incredible world of possibility. While some of those answers have just recently surfaced through research in the quantum mechanics field, similar claims have been around for thousands of years. It's not at all uncommon for religions to assert afterlife claims.

But not all religions agree. Nearly every religion has its own unique set of dogmas about what might happen to us after death. The ancient Egyptians believed that after you die, your spirit self travels to an underworld destination where your heart is weighed out on a justice scale against the white feather of truth.

So what does this mean for us in our afterlife? Listen to Aaravindha's talk on life after death and touching our immortality.

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